Staff Lists မရရှိသေးပါ။
Staff Lists မရရှိသေးပါ။
Departmental Objectives for Microbiology :
At the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
1. acquire knowledge of the basic principles of bacteriology, virology, parasitology, mycology and immunology including the nature of pathogenic microorganisms and the fundamentals of the pathogenesis, transmission, prevention and control of diseases common in the community.
1. acquire request skills in the collection and forwarding of microbiological and parasitological specimens to the laboratory as well as in the recognition of certain bacteria and some forms of parasites as demonstrated microscopically.
1. maintain an interest in the study of medical microbiology, immunology and parasitology by appreciating its role in promotive, preventive and curative medicine with special reference to the microbial and parasitic diseases common in Myanmar.
2. establish essential habits of continuing self learning through critical reading and evaluation of information in the above mentioned fields.
3. demonstrate development of sound attitudes in relation to the role of medical microbiology in the clinical and community aspect of traditional medicine.
Departmental Objectives for Pathology
At the end of the course, the learner should
1. have acquired the knowledge of general pathology and basic pathological processes with more emphasis on common diseases encounter in Myanmar.
2. know and recognize the signs and symptoms of common diseases to promote more effective use of traditional medicine therapy.
3. be able to appreciate that the knowledge of basic pathology can be applied to traditional medicine.
4. understand the importance of laboratory investigations and correct diagnosis for proper management of diseases.
Courses included
1. General Microbiology
2. General Bacteriology
3. Systematic Bacteriology
4. Virology
5. Mycology
6. Parasitology
7. Immunology
8. Public Health Microbiology
9. Applied Microbiology
Courses included
I. General Pathology
a. Response of body to external injuty
b. Fluid and haemodynamic disorders
c. Infectious diseases\
d. Neoplasm
e. Disorder of immune system
II. Systemic Pathology
a. Diseases of Respiratory system
b. Diseases of Heart and blood vessels
c. Diseases of Gastrointestinal system
d. Diseases of Liver, Biliary System and Pancreas
e. Diseases of Kidney and Urinary Tract
f. Diseases of Genital System
g. Diseases of Breast
h. Diseases of Endocrine System
i. Diseases of Blood
j. Diseases of Central Nervous System
k. Diseases of Musculoskeletal System
l. Diseases of Lymphoreticular System
m. Environmental and Nutritional Pathology
Teaching activities
• Teaching Western Medicine such as Pathology, Microbiology, clinical method, Preventive and social medicine, etc. for BMTM and MMTM students
• Teaching Practical and laboratory Techniques for BMTM and MMTM Students
Monthly and Future Plan
• Participating in Academic Board, Protocol Board, Red Cross Society, etc.
• Medical Check Up of new students
• Medical covers in Sports activities in UTM
• Practices in University Clinics for staffs and students in UTM
• Participating in Lunch Time Talks, CTME Programs, etc.
• Participating as speaker, facilitators, participants, secretariats, in various types of workshop, seminar, etc.
• Participating as supervisors and readers for term paper, dessertatioins and thesis done by house officers of UTM and MMTM students