U Than Oo
Lecturer and Head
B.A. (English) (Q), M.A. (English), Dip.Med.Ed.
U Than Oo
Lecturer and Head
B.A. (English) (Q), M.A. (English), Dip.Med.Ed.
Daw Wah Wah Htun
Assistant Lecturer
B.A. (Hons:)(English), M.A. (English)
Daw Tin Pa Pa Win
Assistant Lecturer
B.A. (Hons:) (English), M.A. (English)
Daw Win Yu Maw
Assistant Lecturer
B.A. (Hons:) (English), M.A. (English)
Daw May Phyo Maung
Assistant Lecturer
B.A. (Hons:) (English), M.A. (English)
Daw Saw Sandy Swe
Assistant Lecturer
B.A. (English), , Dip.in.ELT, M.A. (English)
Departmental Objective
At the end of the course, the learners will have:
1. Applied knowledge of the grammatical structure, usage and relevant language functions for
communicative purposes.
2. Acquired some background knowledge of concepts pertaining to medical science a comprehensive health care.
3. Learned to be accurate and precise through reading English for medical purpose based texts and doing a variety of exercises.
1. Developed proficiency in the listening , reading and writing skills to cope linguistically with their content subject not only in the under-graduate years but also with continuing education their post-graduate studies.
2. Learned to be methodical by organising facts, figures and ideas logically and coherently.
3. Acquired fluency and accuracy in expressing themselves on a variety of themes related traditional medicine as well as total health care.
4. Learned to be self-recorded lessons on tapes and doing extensive reading.
5. Acquired speaking skill and listening through the programmes in language lab.
1. Developed an awareness of and sensitivity to the health needs of the community.
2. Acquired a sense of responsibility towards the health problems of the community other issues and problems related to health.
3. Become industrious through regular and qualitative performance in tutorials and class tests.
4. Appreciated the effectiveness of the traditional medicine.
5. Acquired a good ethic for living.
Academic Structure
- Time allotment for first year (BMTM) = 120 hours
- Time allotment for second year (BMTM) = 120 hours
- Teaching methods = Lecture, Discussion,
Small group discussion,
Minitalk, Self-study with guidance,
- Media = OHP, white-board, handouts,
English journals and Magazines,
Language-lab, Cassette Tapes,
VCD and DVD, English news papaer
Other activities of English Department
1. To acquire language proficiency, the officers of UTM, ITM and MTH were systematically taught by English Department of UTM practicing in language lab. This course was co-operated with English Department of Mandalay University.
2. English proficiency course to lecturers of UTM was started by the guidance of MEU of UTM.
3. E.L.S.I.P course to tutors of UTM will begin by the guidance of MEU of UTM in June, 2008.