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Department of Pali Sanskrit



  1. Former Heads
  2. Academic Staff
  3. Objectives
  4. Courses
  5. Teaching Activities
  6. Monthly and Future Plan
  7. Online Lecture Course

U Saw Htun

Lecturer & Head

B.A (Pāḷi), Dip. T.M


U Win Shein

Assistant Lecturer & Acting Head

B.A (Philosophy), (Damarsriya)


Daw Myint Myint Khaing (2009-Date)

Lecturer and Head

B.A (Hons;) M.A (O.S); Ph-D(Oriental Studies)


Daw Myint Myint Khaing

Lecturer and Head

B.A (Hons;) M.A (O.S); Ph-D(Oriental Studies)


Daw Thandar Chit

Assistant Lecturer

B.A.(Hons:); M.A., (Oriental Studies)


Daw Ni Ni San

Assistant Lecturer

B.A.(Hons:); M.A., (Oriental Studies)


Daw Nan Aye Aye Htwe

Assistant Lecturer

B.A.(Hons:); M.A., M.Res, Ph.D(Oriental Studies), Dip in IT, ABhi Dhammadhara


Daw San Yu Myo Htay Thaung

Assistant Lecturer

B.A.(Hons:); M.A., (Oriental Studies)


Daw Hnin Hnin Han

Assistant Lecturer

B.A.(Hons:); M.A., (Oriental Studies)

Departmental Objectives Of Pali
At the end of the course, the learners should be able to

1. achieve the basic knowledge of Pāḷi language
2. achieve the knowledge Pāḷi term described in Traditional Medical texts

1. identify Pāḷi terms irelated to traditional medical terms
2. construct and translate Pāḷi sentences grammatically

1. regard that Pāḷi and Sanskrit are essential language in translating the Parabeiks and related the ancient traditional medical texts

Departmental Objective of Sanskrit
After attending the class, students should be able to

1. Describe the introductory basic features of Sanskrit language
2. Define some terms from Sanskrit Medical texts comparing with Pāḷi
3. Acquire the meaning of medical terms in Sanskrit

1. Translate the traditional medical texts written in Sanskrit (devanagani scripts)

1. Appreciate the accept of continuous learning the ancient traditional medical texts and parabeiks related to Sanskrit
Course conducted First Year (B.M.T.M) Course
Period of study - One academic year
Total teaching hours - 120 hours

Course outline
1. Introduction
2. Alphabet of Myanmar and Roman Script
3. Declension
4. The Seven Conjugations
5. Terminations
6. Sandhi
7. Gerund
8. Infinitive
9. Possessive Adjective and Comparative Adjectives
10. Numerals
11. Prefixes
12. Adverbs
13. Interjections and Vocatives
14. Formation of Feminine nouns
15. Exercises of Pāḷi sentences construction
16. Buddhist cultural Festivals and ceremories
17. History of Buddhism

Sanskrit Subject 1st Year B.M.T.M

Course outline
1. Inscribing Devanagari
2. Sanskrit Terms in Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

Student Assessment
1. Formative Assessment - 30%
2. Summative Assessment - 70%
3. Pass Mark - 50 %
4. Distinction Mark - 75 %
2 F system
Course conducted Second Year (B.M.T.M) Course
Period of study - One academic year
Total teaching hours - 80 hours

Course outline
1. Participles
2. Causative Verbs
3. Passive Verbs
4. Pronouns
5. Compounds (samasa)
6. Secondary derivatives (Jaddhita)
7. Particles
8. Common Particles
9. Absolute Constructions
10. Interrogative sentences
11. Nirutti Rules (etymology)
12. Social Ethics (Verses and Proses)
13. Translation from Pāḷi to Myanmar
14. Exercises of Pāḷi sentence constructions

Student Assessment
1. Formative Assessment - 30%
2. Summative Assessment - 70%
3. Pass Mark - 50 %
4. Distinction Mark - 75 %
3. F system



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