University of Traditional Medicine, Mandalay. တိုင်းရင်းဆေးတက္ကသိုလ်
University of Traditional Medicine, Mandalay. တိုင်းရင်းဆေးတက္ကသိုလ်၊ မန္တလေး။ |
Prof. Aung Kyaw Min (2002-2016) Professor Emeritus B.A. (Psyc), Dip. T. Med., B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M, |
Daw Nu Nu Lwin Associate Professor B.Sc. (Hons),Dip. T. Med., B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M |
Daw Nu Nu Lwin Associate Professor & Head B.Sc. (Hons),Dip. T. Med., B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M |
U Yan Naing Lwin Lecturer ( - ) B. A. (Hist), Dip. T. Med., B.M.T.M |
U Win Zaw( - ) Lecturer B. A. (Hist), Dip. T. Med., B.M.T.M |
Daw Khin Yatana Hlaing Assistant Lecturer B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M |
Daw Thwe Thwe Tun Assistant Lecturer B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M |
Daw Kit Kit Htwe(2007-2021) Assistant Lecturer B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M |
U Thein Htike (2010-2021) Tutor B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M |
Daw Khaing Zar Linn Tutor B.M.T.M, M.M.T.M |
Daw Naw Lu Di Tutor B.M.T.M |
Daw May Zun Myint Wai(2018-2021) Tutor B.M.T.M |
Daw Nu Nu Yi U.D BA. (BM) |
Department of Ulcer and Sore
Course and Duration
Third Year (B.M.T.M) Course
Period of study - One academic year
Total Teaching Hour - 100 Hours
Curriculum for Third Year (B. M. T. M)
SN |
Content |
Method |
Media |
Time allotment |
L |
P |
Tu |
To |
1. |
Introduction |
Lecture Bed-side teaching Practical Tutorial Demonstra-tion
Photograph power point Whiteboard Hospital Dummy
4 |
1 |
5 |
2. |
Principles |
12 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
3. |
Kinds of ulcer & sore |
10 |
3 |
2 |
15 |
4. |
Signs & symptoms of ulcer & sore |
12 |
2 |
1 |
15 |
5. |
Agantuka (trauma and accident) |
3 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
6. |
Sa ThattaKamma and Five kinds of curing systems |
7 |
2 |
1 |
10 |
7. |
Signs & symptoms of septicaemiaoedema |
8 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
8. |
General |
3 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
Total |
61 |
11 |
8 |
80 |
1. Chapter One- Nidana and Samprati
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. recognizethe historical background of ulcer and sore therapy.
2. analyzeaetiology and pathogenesis of ulcer and sore in Ayurveda and Desana medicine.
3. recognize Htana of vana
1. Historical aspect of Ulcer and Sore Therapy
2. Nidana of vana( Aetiology)
3. Samprati of vana (Pathogenesis)
4. Htana of vana (site)
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Tutorial
- Lecture – 4hours
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Power point, Whiteboard
Essay Types
2. Chapter Two - Principles
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. apply general examination
2. apply local examination
3. describe and recognize cardinal signs and symptoms of a sore
4. apply special investigation.
1. Anatomical sites where a sore appears
2. Initial Stage of Sore
3. Cardinal signs and symptoms of a sore
4. Complicated signs and symptoms of a sore
5. Examination of ulcer and sore
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 12 hours
- Practical- 2 hours
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital
Essay Types
3. Chapter Three – The types of sores and the ancient sores
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. describe and recognize the types of sores in Ayurveda and Desana Medicine.
2. describeand recognize the types of sores and their clinical features in the ancient medical treaties.
3. describe and recognize the types of the ancient sores in Ayurveda Medicine
A. The types of sores
1. A study of the types of sore in Ayurveda medicine
2. A study of the types of sore in Desana medicine
B. The types of sores in the ancient medical treatises
1. The types of the sore depended on the site
2. The types of the sores depended on their clinical features
C.The types of the ancient sores in Ayurveda medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 12 hours
- Practical – 2 hours
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital,
Essay Type
4. Chapter Four – Signs and Symptoms of a Sore
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. describe and interpret signs and symptoms of sores by Ayurveda and Desana Medicine.
2. determinesigns and symptoms of stages of sores.
3. determine prognosis of sore.
(A) Symptoms of a sore in Ayurveda medicine
(B) Symptoms of a sore inDesana medicine
(C) signs and symptoms of stages of sores
(D) prognosis of sore.
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 10 hours
- Practical – 3 hours
- Tutorial – 2 hours
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital,
Essay Types
5. Chapter Five – Agantukavana (sore caused by an accident)
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. describe and recognize the types of Agantukavana and their signs and symptoms
2. describe and recognize the types of wounds and their signs and symptoms in modern medicine
3. compare the types of Agantukavanaand wounds.
A. Types of Agantukavanas (a sore caused by an accident)
1. Chinnavana
2. Bhinnavana
3. Viddhavana
4. Khatavana
5. Vicchitavana
6. Ghatthavana
7. Sallavana
8. Mammatthanabhighatavana
B. Types of wounds
1. Cutting wounds by sharp weapon
2. Wounds by blunt weapon
3. Perforated wounds by sharp weapon
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 3 hours
- Practical – 1 hours
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital
Essay Types
6. Chapter Six – Chasattakarma and Five Functions and its Methods
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. describe and recognize the kinds of Chasattakarmain Ayurveda Medicine.
2. describe and recognize five functions of Panchakarma in ulcer and sore therapy.
3. applyChasattakarma and five functions of Panchakarma
(A) Chasattakarma
1. Opening (Patana)
2. Perforating (Byadhana)
3. Cutting (Chedana)
4. Scraping (Lekhana)
5. Scratching (Pacchana)
6. Stitching (Sivana)
(B) Five Functions and its methods
1. Sedakarma (Sweating)
2. Rattakarma (Blood-letting)
3. Aggikarma (Heating)
4. Sitakarma (Cooling)
5. Sodhanakarma (Cleaning with decoctions)
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 7 hours
- Practical – 2 hour
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital
7. Chapter Seven – Manh (septicemia), Nganh (delirium), Anh (swelling)
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. describe and recognize Manh, Nganh, Anh and their signs and symptoms.
2. differentiate and determine Manh, Nganh and Anh.
1. Manh (septicemia)
1.1 Five kinds of Manh according to the book of Chanavuti
1.2 signs and symptoms of septicemia
2. Nganh (delirium)
2.1 The kinds of Nganhin Ayurveda Medicine
2.2 The kinds of NganhinDasana Medicine
2.3 Five kinds of Nanhin the book of Chanavuti
2.4 Nine kinds of Nanhin the book of Dhatuvibhanga
2.5 signs and symptoms of Nganh
3. Anh (generalized edema)
3.1 signs and symptoms of Anh
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 8 hours
- Practical – 1 hour
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital,
Essay Types
8. Chapter Eight – Varieties
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. manage treatment of traditional medicine
2. apply management of ulcer and sore in operation theater
3. manage preparation for operation theater
4. acquire integration Traditional medicine and Modern medicine
General Management of ulcer and sore
1. Treatment of traditional medicine
2. Management of ulcer and sore in operation theater
3. Preparation for operation theater
4. Integration Traditional medicine and Modern medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 3 hours
- Practical – 1 hour
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital
Essay Types
Total Teaching Hours – 80 hours
- Lecture – 61 hours
- Practical – 11 hours
- Tutorial – 8 hours
Assessment in Third Year Course
Formative Assessment (30%)
In formative assessment, the following course work will be included;
- Submission of practical record book 10%
- Tutorial 10%
- Mid-term test 10%
Summative Assessment (70%)
As summative assessment, an examination will be held at the end of academic year by internal examiner from the University of Traditional Medicine.
In summative assessment will be made as,
Theory paper will consist of
(a) 20 MCQs
(b) 4 MSQs
(c) Essay type questions
Theory paper -70%
Formative assessment -30%
Distinction marks - 75 marks
Pass marks - 50 marks
Fill - 3F System
Fourth Year (B.M.T.M) Course
Period of study - One academic year
Total Teaching Hour - 100 Hours
Curriculum for Fourth Year (B. M. T. M)
SN |
Content |
Method |
Media |
Time allotment |
L |
P |
Tu |
To |
1. |
Tumour |
Lecture Bed-side teaching Practical Tutorial Demonstra-tion
Photograph power point Whiteboard Hospital Dummy
10 |
4 |
1 |
15 |
2. |
Management of Traumatic wounds |
2 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
3. |
Management of Head & Neck |
8 |
5 |
2 |
15 |
4. |
Management of the limbs a- Thaminkhwarpauk b- Thettant-nar (Deep abscess) c- Gangrene |
10 |
7 |
3 |
20 |
5. |
Management of the chest and back a- Breast disease b- Anarphasoke (Carbuncle) c- Bed sore |
10 |
7 |
3 |
20 |
6. |
Ano-rectal diseases a- Ischio- rectal Boils b- Piles c- Fistula in Ano |
12 |
9 |
4 |
25 |
7. |
Common Skin disease |
5 |
4 |
2 |
11 |
8. |
Common ulcer and sore diseases in view of surgical methods in modern medicine |
10 |
10 |
Total |
67 |
37 |
16 |
120 |
1. Chapter One– Tumour
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. describe and recognize etiologies of tumour.
2. analyze different types of tumours and their signs and symptoms
3. determine clinical diagnosis
4. manage treatment of traditional medicine
4. observe and analyze complicated conditions and use referral system effectively.
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 10 hours
- Practical – 4 hours
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital
Essay Types
2. Chapter Two – Traumatic Wounds
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. recognizeaetiology and signs and symptoms of traumatic wounds.
2. realize clinical diagnosis and decide appropriate treatment.
Traumatic Wounds
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
3.1 Primary Cause
4. Signs & Symptoms
4.1 Signs & symptoms which may be commonly found
4.2 Signs & symptoms which may be found on the long term basis
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 2 hours
- Practical – 1 hour
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital,
Essay Types
3. Chapter Three – Ulcer & Sore appearing on the Head
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. identify kinds of ulcers and sores appearing on the head.
2. describe and recognize etiologies, signs and symptoms of ulcers and sores appearing on the head.
3. determine clinical diagnosis of the sore appearing on the head.
4. manage treatment of traditional medicine
4. observe and analyze complicated conditions and use referral system effectively
Ulcer & Sore appearing on the Head
(a) The sores appearing at the inside of the hair of the head
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(b) The sores appearing on the face
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(c)The sores appearing in the ear, the nose and the throat
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(d)The sores appearing on the mouth and the tongue and inside the mouth
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 8 hours
- Practical – 5 hours
- Tutorial – 1 hour
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital
4. Chapter Four – Ulcer & Sore appearing commonly on the limbs
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1.realizeaetiologies, pathogenesis and signs and symptoms of the sores appearing commonly on the limbs.
2. analyzeThamin-Khwarpauk-Nar, Thettant-Nar and Gangrene
3. decide appropriate treatment and cure skillfully.
4. analyze complicated conditions and practice referral system systematically.
Ulcer & Sore appearing commonly on the limbs
(a) Thamin-khwarpauk-nar
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(b) Thettant-nar
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
4.1 Cardinal signs & symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(c )Gangrene
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
4.1 pre-symptoms and signs
4.2 current signs and symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 10 hours
- Practical – 7 hours
- Tutorial – 3 hours
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital
Essay Type
5. Chapter Five– Diseases of the Chest & the Back
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. describe the kinds of ulcers and sores appearing commonly on the chest and back.
2. realizeaetiologies, pathogenesis and signs and symptoms of breast diseases, carbuncle and bedsore.
3. recognize clinical diagnosis and decide appropriate treatment.
4. cure skillfully each sore.
5.analyze complicated conditions and practice referral system systematically.
Diseases of the Chest & the Back
(a) Breast Diseases
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Varieties
(a) Acute Mastitis
(b) Chronic Mastitis
(c) Breast Carcinoma
5. Signs & Symptoms
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(b) Carbuncle
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
(a) signs & symptoms in first stage
(b) signs & symptoms in second stage
(c) signs & symptoms in third stage
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(c) Bedsore
1. Introductions
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Varieties
(a) Acute Bed Sore
(b) Chronic Bed Sore
5. Signs & Symptoms
(a) Pre-signs and symptoms
(b) Current signs and symptoms
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 10 hours
- Practical – 7 hours
- Tutorial – 3 hours
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital,
Essay Types
6. Chapter Five – Ano-rectal Disease
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1.describe the kinds of ulcers and sores appearing commonly in and around the anus.
2. study on the ano-rectal diseases by traditional medicine and compare with modern medicine.
3. realizeaetiologies, pathogenesis and signs and symptoms of ano-rectal diseases.
4. recognize clinical diagnosis and decide appropriate treatment.
5. examineano-rectal diseases and how to manage the diseases
6.analyze complicated conditions and practice referral system systematically.
Ano-rectal Disease
(A) Ischio-rectal abscess or boil
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(B) Anal-fissure
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varietiess
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
(C) Hemorrhoids
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
a. pre-symptoms and signs
b. current signs and symptoms
c. signs and symptoms of Upakkheyya
5. Varieties
5.1 Kinds of Myinthayike according to the Ayurveda medicine
5.2 Kinds of Myinthayikegiving in the book ofDhatuvibhagadipani
5.3 Kinds of Myinthayike giving in the book of Chanavuti
5.4 Kinds of piles based on the time, the part and the way which it appears
5.5 Three Folds
5.6 Signs and symptoms of Sadhya, Kicchasadhya and Asadhya
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
7.1 Non- operative
7.2 Operation (Ksharausutra Therapy)
(D) Fistula in ano
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Signs & Symptoms
5. Varieties
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 12 hours
- Practical – 9 hours
- Tutorial – 4 hours
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital, Dummy
Essay Type
7. Chapter Six – Skin Diseases
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1.describe the kinds of skin diseases.
2. realizeaetiologies, pathogenesis and signs and symptoms of skin disease.
3. differentiate some different types of skin diseases.
4.recognize clinical diagnosis and decide appropriate treatment.
5. cure skillfully each sore.
6.analyze complicated conditions and practice referral system systematically.
Skin Diseases
1. Introduction
2. Definition
3. Aetiology
4. Varieties
5. Signs & Symptoms
6. Clinical Diagnosis
7. Treatment of Traditional Medicine
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture, Bed-side teaching, Practical, Tutorial, Demonstration
- Lecture – 5 hours
- Practical – 4 hours
- Tutorial – 2 hours
- Photograph, power point, Whiteboard, Hospital, Dummy
Essay Types
7. Curriculum of General Surgery for Traditional Medicine
Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the learner should be able to:
1. recognize the basic general surgery according to Modern Medicine.
2.determine surgery which is able to do by Traditional Medicine or Western Medicine method.
3. decide the conditions which is necessary to do by major surgery and able to use referral system in time.
1. Sterilization and disinfection
2. Ulcer, Sinuses Fistulae,
3. Tumor
4. Common Lesion of body
5. Breast Tumor
6. Jaundice
7. Acute abdomen
8. Fistula in ano
9. Fissure in ano
10. Haemorrhoid
11. Cervical Lymphadenopathy
12. Skin problems
Teaching Learning Method and Time Allotment
- Lecture
- Lecture – 10 hours
- Powerpoint
Oral test in practical examination
Total Teaching Hours – 120 hours
- Lecture – 67 hours
- Practical – 37 hours
- Tutorial – 16 hours
Assessment in Fourth Year Course
Formative Assessment (30%)
In formative assessment, the following course work will be included;
- Submission of practical record book 10%
- Tutorial 10%
- Mid-term test 10%
Summative Assessment (70%)
As summative assessment, an examination will be held at the end of academic year by internal examiner from the University of Traditional Medicine.
In summative assessment will be made3 as,
Theory paper will consist of
(a) 20 MCQs
(b) 4 MSQs
(c) Essay type questions
Theory paper – 50%
Practical - 10%
Viva- voce - 10%
Formative assessment -30%
Distinction marks - 75 marks
Pass marks - 50 marks
Fill - 3F System
Second Year (B.M.T.M) Bridge Course
Period of study - One academic year
Total Teaching Hour - 100 Hours
Second Year (B. M. T. M) Bridge Course
Programme Structure
SN. |
Content |
Method |
Media |
Time |
L |
P |
Tu |
To |
6. |
Traumatic wounds
Common lesions of the limbs a- Thaminkhwarpauk b- That tant (Deep abscess) c- Gangrene
Common lesions of the chest and back a- Breast disease b- Anarpahsoke (Carbuncle) c- Bed sore
Ano-rectal diseases a- Ischio- rectal Boils b- Anal Fissure c- Piles d- Fistula in Ano
Skin disease |
A, B1, D2, E
A, B1 B2, D1,E, F
A, B1 B2, D1,E, F
A, B1 B2, D1,E, F
A, B1 B2, D1,E, F
A, B1 B2, D1,E, F
Photograph Power point Whiteboard Hospital Dummy |
50 |
A = Formal Lecture
B1 = Topic discussion
B2 = Reference book reading and group discussion
C = Written assignment
D1 = Individual practical exercise
D2 = Group practical exercise
E = Clinical Teaching (outpatient teaching & bed-side teaching)
F = Case Presentation
Student Assessment
1. Formative Assessment Weightage 30 %
2. Summative Assessment Weightage 70 %
(a) Theory 40 %
(b) Practical/ clinical 20 %
(c) Viva 10 %
3. Passes Marks 50 %
4. Distinction Marks 75 %
5. F system 3 F
First Year (M.M.T.M) Course
Period of study - One academic year
Total Teaching Hour - 100 Hours
M. M. T. M (First Year & Second Year)
At the end of the course, the learners should be able to:
1. state a detailed knowledge of basic principles of ethic, sterilization, disinfection, universal precaution, surgical infection and be able to handle the operating theatre techniques in general surgery.
2. discuss the definition of infection, particularly in surgery.
3. analyze the different patterns of shock and be able to perform in resuscitation.
4. manage different types of tumors.
5. recognize the etiology and classification of ulcer and sore in the face, ear, nose, and throat.
6. discuss and manage the complications of ulcer and sore in the face, ear, nose, and throat.
7. interpret the appropriate investigation of ulcer and sore in breast, chest and back.
8. manage the breast tumors by traditional medicine.
9. describe the diagnosis and treatment of ulcer and sore of upper limbs.
10. apply the advanced management of thetantnar, Thamin-khwar-pauk-nar and other ulcer and sore of the lower limb.
11. analyze clinical data (history and physical signs) and diagnose anorectal diseases and be able to formulate a rational management plan.
12. performksharsutratherapy used in ano-rectal disease.
13. perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for skin lesions.
14. apply Raktamokshana (bloodletting) method, used in the Ayurvedic medicine, to Myanmar traditional medicine
Department of Ulcer and Sore Therapy
First Year M. M. T. M(General)
Programme Structure
SN. |
Content |
Method |
Media |
Time |
L |
P |
A |
To |
7. |
Chapter (1) Basic general Surgery
Chapter (2) Tomours
Chapter (3) The Head & Neck
Chapter (4) Chest & Back
Chapter (5) The Limb
Chapter (6) Ano0 rectal
Chapter (7) The Ski
- Lecture - Practical - Assessment - Seminar - clinical teaching Exercise - cause presentation & discussion - Problem solving |
- Whiteboard - OHP - LCD projector - Education/ Internet access - Library - Operation theatre Instruments -Specimen (real/model) - Vinyl poster
6 |
12 |
2 |
20 |
Total |
33 |
55 |
12 |
100 |
L = Lecture
P = Practical
A = Assessment
Assessment of the first year M. M. T. M
a. Formative assessment
This is to be done throughout the course by the faculty and the Course Supervisors (who have to submit written confidential reports to the Course Chairman) on attendance, the quality and timely submission of assignments, presentation and participation in seminars and other academic activities.
All candidates while under training will be assessed at quarterly intervals with appropriate grading system. This grading system will only be used for continued evaluation of the course and will not contribute to the final summative assessment.
Logbook and checklist will be used as a document for the continued assessment of the progress of the candidate. The candidate is to keep a logbook in which academic activities throughout the course are to be recorded regularly. Thesupervisors or the heads of the departments will check and sign the document to bereturned to the candidate with his / her remarks and opinions. This is to be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Studies, after duly verified and signed by the course supervisors. Only if the academic record is satisfactory, the candidate is eligible to sit for the Promotion Examination.
b. Summative assessment
The type of questions is MCQ (multiple response, minus system but not carried over) and the time allowed for each paper is three hours and the allotted marks for each paper is 100.
Pass / Fail criteria
a. Pass
Score of 60% or above in each of the seven papers.
b. Fail with compartmental privileges
Of the seven papers, if the candidate obtains pass marks (60%) in 4 papers, and at least 40% in the remaining papers, he/she may be accounted as one F and may sit for supplementary examination for that paper (s) with not more than two more attempts (3 F system).
c. Fail without compartmental privileges
Of the seven papers, if the candidate fails in more than half (i.e. 4 and above) of the papers, he/she must re-sit for all seven papers in the next academic year.
Supplementary examination
A supplementary examination will be held within 6 weeks after the regular examination, depending on the number of papers failed and on the candidate’s progress.
Number of attempts
This is restricted to three. This means if the candidate fails in regular and two more supplementary examinations, the candidate is to be terminated (3F system).
Second Year (M.M.T.M) Course
SN. |
Content |
Method |
Media |
Time |
L |
P |
D |
To |
6 |
1st week Basic general Surgery Tomours
2nd weeks The Head & Neck
3rd weeks Chest & Back
4th weeks The Limb
5th weeks Ano rectal
6th weeks The Skin |
- Lecture - Practical - Seminar - cause presentation & discussion - Problem solving |
- Whiteboard - OHP - LCD projector - Education/ Internet access - Library - Operation theatre Instruments -Specimen (real/model) - Vinyl poster
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42 |
Period of study - One academic year
Total Teaching Hour - 100 Hours
Second Year M. M. T. M (General)
Programme Structure
L = Lecture
P = Practical
D = Discussion
Assessment of the second year M. M. T. M
a. Formative assessment
1. Assessment will be done by Head of the respective ward using a prepared check list, a logbook and a report card.
2. The logbook and check list are used to serve as documents for the assessment of the progress of the candidate. The candidate is to keep a log book in which academic activities which include all the submitted written assignments, case submission, photo copies of the journal reading section in which the candidate had participated, and all other relevant materials covered during the course are to be recorded regularly.
3. The logbook is to be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Studies after duly verified and signed by supervisors.
4. Unsatisfactory assessment record of the ward postings though possible is not expected unless the student is poorly motivated or if there is an absence due to valid health reason.
5. He / she will be required to repeat the posting if it is considered unsatisfactory.
6. There will be one MOCK examination in the mid of the second yeartraining. The score obtained in this assessment will not contribute to the final summativeassessment.
b. Summative assessment
The final examination will be held one calendar year from the beginning of the course (during December if the course begins in January of the same year) and it consists oftwo paper
Paper (1) - consists oftwoportions
Portions I - Written theory examination and
Portions II - Clinical competency examination
Pass / Fail Criteria
1. Summative assessment will be independently made by the chief examiner and the co-examiners of the concerned departments
2. Pass mark is 60% or above in each of three parts of examination
3. The candidate must attempt to answer at least one question from every section of the paper 1 and paper 2
4. If the candidate fails in any section of the paper, he/she may re-sit for supplementary examination for that paper (including written, clinical competency, and viva voce)not more than two more attempts (3 F System)
5. If the candidate fails in any part of the examination, he/she may re-sit for supplementary examination for that paper (including written, clinical competency, and viva voce) not more than two more attempts (3 F System)
Supplementary Examination
The supplementary examination will be held 6 months after the regular examination depending on the number of papers failed and on the candidate’s progress.
Number of attempts
This is restricted to three (3F system). This means if the candidate fails in regular and two attempts on supplementary examinations, the candidate is to be terminated.
Criteria for credit
75% of an aggregate in each part of examination (average with first year result)
Criteria for Distinction
80% and above score in any two parts of examination and the remaining one be at least 75% and an aggregate of them is 80% and above (average with first year result)
Course Outline
Third Year (B.M.T.M) Course
1. Introduction
2. Upadesa
3. Classification of Ulcer and Sore in the ancient medical books
4. Signs and Symptoms of ulcer and sore
5. Agantuka Vanas
6. Sastra karma and its methods
7. Man: (Septicemia), Ngan: (Delirium), An: (Swelling)
8. Generalization
9. Tumour
Fourth Year (B.M.T.M) Course
1. Management of ulcer and sore (head and neck)
2. Management of ulcer and sore (limbs)
3. Management of ulcer and sore (back and chest)
4. Ano-rectal diseases
5. Management of ulcer and sore (Tramatic wounds)
6. Skin diseases and their managements
Second Year (B.M.T.M) Bridge Course
1. Tumour
2. Traumatic wounds
3. Common lesions of limbs
a. Thaminkhwapau’
b. The’ tan. (Deep abscess)
c. Gangrene
4. Common lesions of the chest and back
a. Breast diseases
b. Ana pahsou’ (Carbuncle)
c. Bed Sore
5. Ano-rectal Diseases
a. Fissure
b. Piles
c. Fistula in Ano
6. Skin Diseases
First Year (M.M.T.M) Course
1. Basic Genaral Surgery
2. Tumours
3. Ulcers and sores of head and neck
4. Ulcers and Sores of chest and back
5. Ulcers and Sores of limbs
6. Ulcers and Sores of anorectal region
7. Ulcers and Sores of skin
Second Year (M.M.T.M) Course
1. Basic Genaral Surgery
2. Tumours
3. Ulcers and Sores of head and neck
4. Ulcers and Sores of chest and back
5. Ulcers and Sores of limbs
6. Ulcers and Sores of anorectal region
7. Ulcers and Sores of skin
8. Deep Abscess
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